Dear other Dads, it is ok not to have any idea what you are doing.

02 Dec
Dear other Dads, it is ok not to have any idea what you are doing.

If you read the title, understand this, it is completely true and that is ok brother. Welcome to the club man. We meet on Thursdays and have hot wings. Membership dues are on the first of every month, so just budget us like you do Netflix.

Man wouldn’t that be the dream, a group of other Dad’s just like us who are trying to figure it out in a community. If you have something like that, congratulations and tell me where you meet.

Often I think the “I dunno what to do” mentality takes over. When my wife (who is the incredible parent) is at work I have a moment where I am like, “How am I supposed to do this?” You know what, I think that is 100% better than ignoring your kids and expecting them to take care of themselves. Yes, there is an age where kids “figure it out” on their own, but for me I have at least 5 more years before that hits. So what should I do? Well, you know what, step up to the challenge. I think we live in an era where that we are too afraid to screw up, so we do nothing. Part of being a Dad/Parent is screwing up. In good news, your kids don’t know any better and there is always tomorrow. The attempt is what matters. My son is largely fascinated with Pokemon right now, I missed that boat. I had hyper religious parents (which by the way is no judgement on my parents) and so it was not a thing in my home. I blame 700 club saying Pokemon meant “pocket demon.” So, I am trying to wing it and show an interest in what he likes right now. My daughter loves anything pink and cutesy things. I’m a dude’s dude. I love hunting, call of duty, beer, and Alabama football. So there is some areas we just don’t see eye to eye on. I do know that if I find some common ground we have a place where I can get in her world and try to make a difference. That is what matters.

Guys, we can not be the generation that gave up on our kids because we thought we couldn’t relate. I/We are better than that. If you are like me then the idea of playing with Frozen dolls sounds like a nice tour of hell. For my kid, I will make the trip. I don’t do it often enough and I know I can be better. What gets me up in the morning isn’t my job, it isn’t the dog needing to pee (he’s an after thought really) it is the fact that I am a Dad and I want to show my kids what it looks like to take care of them. Do I do it well? HELLLLLLL NO. Do I try it again day in and day out. You betcha.

In case no one told you, being a parent is hard. You can react or you can measure your response (shameless plug for later this week) and praise God I have a wife to help me judge when I need to be one or the other.

My buddy Jonathan is having his first kid, so its really cool to see him coming into this area of life. I’m glad he is getting to join Team Dad. Here is a link the blog he wrote to his unborn child. Read it and think to yourself “When did I have that moment” where you said those EXACT same thing to your kids. I thought it long before I got engaged to Jessea. In truth I decided to be a Dad to her kids before I knew I wanted to be her husband for the rest of my time on this planet.

I believe in you.

I believe in Team Dad

We can always do better by our kids, we just have to be brave enough to try.

Go check out Jonathan’s blog, he is a much better writer than I.

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Posted by on December 2, 2014 in Dadology, Kids, Parenting


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